You’ve probably never heard of Perry County Tennessee, much less the little town of Linden. So, let me tell you about the magical wonders that lay just inside the walls of a tiny place called Main Street Marketplace. Main Street Marketplace is a cozy little place where artists can create and display their art for all to see.
However, just inside, there stands an unassuming, weathered log about three feet tall, with a vine wrapped around it.
Those passing by might mistake this log for a decorative piece, a relic of the past, or simply a charming oddity of small-town life. But those who linger long enough might catch a glimpse of its tiny, whimsical inhabitant.
Alderick, the Wizard of Perry County

The Magic of Alderick’s Home
Alderick’s log isn’t just any old log… Its surface shimmers in the morning sun, and from the center of its floor grows a single, vibrant green vine – even winter.
This magical vine spirals upward to the top of the log, pulsing faintly with a soft, golden light. The vine’s power extends far beyond the log itself. This vine connects to every garden, farm, and field in Perry County, ensuring that crops grow hearty, flowers bloom brilliantly, and the land remains fertile and rich.
The vine is a reflection of Alderick’s magic, which is rooted in harmony with nature. Through it, he helps the people of Perry County prosper.
Tomatoes grow plumper, sunflowers stand taller, and even the smallest backyard gardens yield unexpected bounty.

Alderick and His Crow
Alderick, although he’s only one foot tall, is a commanding presence. With his long, silver beard and a pointed hat that seems just slightly too large for his tiny frame, he radiates both wisdom and a touch of whimsy. His robes are stitched with threads of gold and green, reflecting the forest’s hues.
His constant companion is an old crow named Jasper. Jasper, only one inch tall, has feathers that are a glossy black, and his sharp eyes always seem to be laughing at some secret joke.
The two are inseparable, and it’s not uncommon to see Jasper perched on Aldricks staff, cawing a greeting to the townsfolk or gently nudging Alderick awake from a midday nap.
Alderick loves his town and its people. From his perch inside the log, he watches as locals and visitors bustle in and out of the Main Street Marketplace. He greets them with a warm smile, a wave of his tiny staff, and a cheerful, “Good day to you!”
Children adore him, often pressing their noses against the log’s opening, hoping for a story or a bit of magic. Alderick delights in their company, conjuring tiny bursts of fireflies or turning fallen acorns into shimmering golden trinkets.
The adults, too, find comfort in his presence, knowing that Alderick’s magic brings peace, joy, and prosperity to the town.

Alderick’s Love of Perry County Tennessee
Though Alderick is rarely seen leaving his log, his influence is felt everywhere.
Farmers often leave small offerings of wildflowers or polished stones at the base of the log, a token of gratitude for their bountiful harvests.
Gardeners whisper their thanks to the vine as they water their plants, knowing that Alderick’s magic is at work.
In return, Alderick asks for nothing but kindness. He believes in the power of community and harmony and works tirelessly to ensure that Perry County remains a place of love and joy.
Jasper often flies over the county, keeping watch and carrying Alderick’s blessings to even the most remote corners.
Alderick’s magic is subtle but enduring. It weaves its way into the fabric of Linden, making the town not just a place, but a home—a haven of warmth and wonder.
The log at Main Street Marketplace might be small, but it holds the heart of Perry County within it.
And so, the people of Linden live with the quiet knowledge that their town is protected by a tiny wizard and his loyal crow, their days brightened by the magic of a single vine and the love of the little figure who calls the log his home.
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Here’s what’s inside:
Safety – Because keeping all your fingers is a good thing!
Protection – Level 5 StuffDrawing – Because not all of us can drawWood Species – and why
Whittling Knives – The hottest topic in whittling
Stropping – For the sharpest blades you’ve ever seen in your life
Whittling Techniques – Plus, what all the fancy words mean
Your First Whittle – Using the drawing & techniques you just learned
Business – For those wanting a return on their investment – And also because whittles tend to pile up.
See more at whittlingfromstarttobusiness.com
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